In general

  • The twenty poetics are processed, analyzed and visualized. This yields findings on quantitative and qualitative complementarities as well as historical connections and dynamics of the corpus that may be researched.

  • Interactive visual tools of analysis were conceived and developed that allow a fast verification and falsification of hermeneutic hypotheses.

  • The variable visualization enables fast access to the initial text sources to quickly identify and remove errors induced by the algorithmic processing.

  • Scientific questions are to be concretized by an iterative process and ameliorated by (computer-) linguistic methods of analysis.

  • Integration of the processed text corpus and of the developed tools of analysis and annotation into virtual research infrastructures like TextGrid, DARIAH and CLARIN.

  • Dedication of new research questions resulting from the analysis and knowledge about methods, metadata and ontologies from which other projects in the area of digital humanities may profit.

  • Possibility to expand on other corpora.